Tools for family self-evaluations and for the development of rural communities.
On March 28-30 2017 in Capioví, Misiones, there was a meeting and training workshop called “Poverty Stoplight”, which focused on the development of the community. Specifically, about a tool used for self-diagnosis designed to help families find solutions to the enormous challenges they are faced with. These families come from rural, urban, and peri-urban backgrounds.
The Rural Communities Network Foundation integrates and promotes this initiative put forth by the Irradia Foundation and the Paraguayan Foundation by approaching social organizations and institutions that work in the Northeast region of Argentina, many of them linked to SGP Argentina, a program dedicated to the environment. There is a variety of organizations that is willing to unite to adapt this initiative in Argentina. These organizations are: PROCAYPA and INTA Montecarlo (Misiones), INTA Las Breñas (Chaco), Cooperativa La Juanita (La Matanza y La Plata) and el Centro La Providencia/RED CONIN (Pergamino).
We will share a video from the Paraguayan Foundation where you may learn more about the initiative as well as the results already achieved in Paraguay.
Throughout 2017, a pilot project will be underway which will impact between 30-60 families. For more information about the tool, click here click aquí